For Organisations

In the war for talent, talent wins. 

Do you feel like you’re bringing a knife to a gunfight? Perhaps you’re also seeing gunslingers who’ll just as quickly sell “their” talent to your competitor as give you the chance to win them over.

Knowledgeable, thorough, exclusive, transparent, and value for money - if the team behind your talent acquisition and development can’t be described using these words, even those knives are looking pretty blunt.

Let us help you fix it.

At Greenlit, we think service is essential, relationships matter, and customers should get value for their money.  You can expect:

  • PARTNERSHIP Our Recruitment & Retention Partnerships aren’t about the quick fix! As your exclusive partner we’ll work for you exclusively, sharing talent with you alone (and not also with your competitors).

  • RETENTION We’re also your retention partner. Our Post Placement Assistance Program nurtures your new employee’s engagement with your organisation by fostering effective and active feedback

  • SEARCH We’re continuously expanding our talent maps across key skill sets within the technology sectors for the talent that’s not actively looking for the next opportunity. If you’re after talent we don’t have, we won’t string you along and waste your time.

  • SKILLS Yes, those hard technical skills matter, but it’s more often soft skills and strengths that determine whether prospective talent will be a good fit within your company. We’ll let you know how our talent rates across those vital soft skills and strengths that can make the difference

  • FEES  We’re astounded by how some folks charge like wounded bulls. Our fees are simply designed around the demand and supply for the skills you need - there’s no relationship to the amount you’re paying talent to join your organisation.